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AQA Topic Tracker Micro Paper 1
Topic tracker to see which topics have been examined when in the AQA exam straight to you via your "my account" button --> Digital Purchases...

Theory of the firm free summary
Free graphic comparing different market structures...

AQA style practice papers for 2023 – Paper 1 and Paper 2 set
Two practice papers and mark schemes each for Micro and Macro on via your "my downloads" button....

Pay Scale – Labour markets introductory lesson
Sort the pay data for 24 different jobs into descending order. Accompanying notes to highlight key teaching points. Straight to your "my downloads" section....

Modelling the market for premier league football tickets
Kuba Williams...

Paper 1 Micro definitions
Detailed key definition sheet covering Y12 & Y13 Micro...

Sweet dreams
An ideal first lesson activity, focused on resource allocation....