The UK Economy (2024 edition)
The UK Economy (2024 edition)
Searchable digital version of Andrew Threadgould's much loved tour of events in the UK Economy over the past decade.
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Searchable digital version of Andrew Threadgould’s much loved tour of events in the UK Economy over the past decade. Don’t go into the exam without having read it! Packed with data with accompanying commentary themed on the key exam skills of knowledge, analysis, application and evaluation.
This searchable digital book covers:
Economic growth; Inflation and the cost of living; Employment, unemployment and labour markets; Trade and exchange rates; Macroeconomic policy
Unlimited online access for all users at the school or college for the remainder of the current academic year (ending 31st August) where access is purchased by a teacher or member of staff at the institution.
This product is non-returnable.
The product is accessed online by when logged into your account on Economics Factory’s digital bookstore.